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129 – RENO EXPERT – Tough convos with homeowners and trades with Amy McGeachy

In this episode of the Cabinet Maker Profit System podcast, Dominic Rubino speaks with Amy McGeachy, host of the TV show Trend, about communicating with customers and tradespeople, dealing with delays, working in the pandemic, talking with couples, staying professional, being on TV, and more.

39 - Top Designer Spills the beans and leaves us with a K.I.S.S. with Amy McGeachy

Amy McGeachy, is a very well known person in this market, and today we're going to be talking about a topic, I really like the topic you and I came up with. And it is, "Top designer spills the beans and leaves us with a K.I.S.S. There are some great tips that Amy has, first on how you got to have such notoriety in your business, but then also the systems and processes you've put in place in your design business to bring value to your clients, which is really why we're here.

So, let's see what Amy and I get up to in this podcast, and I hope you've got an opportunity to take some notes and learn from Amy about how she's grown her business and her social media following. Because the media following that she's got actually, is pretty impressive, that's how we met.